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Архивы выставок разных лет. История кинологии


Ответов - 3

П@О: Выставка 1940 год, видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaINnDQrC4w&app=desktop This historic newsreel silent short shows the Morris & Essex Kennel Club, an historical dog show event that’s now held only once every five years. Morris & Essex in its time was perhaps the most famous dog show in the world, vying for that position with Westminster and Crufts. Its beginning dates back to 1927, and for more than three decades this was the highlight of the year for thousands of dog fanciers. In 1958 the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=190C8rRKe3w

П@О: 1960 СССР https://www.facebook.com/294234840641685/videos/930660776999085/?fref=nf

П@О: Группа на ФБ - Архивные фото и видео материалы о собаках https://www.facebook.com/groups/historydogs/?ref=notif&notif_t=group_r2j_approved&notif_id=1469441282927990

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